
Thursday, January 07, 2010

Finally the 2ww

Wow, I will tell Banana that everyone loved her post- she will be thrilled! ;-)

It has taken a day or so to get used to keeping the fire going...but I think I've gotten a handle on it. It is kind of surprising how much wood we have to load in there to get to the optimal burn temperature (did you know there was such a thing?), but we are doing our best :) It is so nice and warm!! Mr. A and I sit or lay on either side of Banana in front of the stove in the evening and just watch how it burns...

And yes, I finally got my peak Tuesday, so today is supposedly 1dpo, so I started the progesterone this morning. I have had countless 2ww's, but this is the first one with progesterone support the whole time. Will it contribute to letting our little one snuggle in? I sure hope so.

In some ways I like the 2ww so much better than before ovulation... no having to pee on the monitor sticks, no keeping in the back of your mind what cycle day it is and whether or not it would be good to you-know-what, just kind of like catching your breath. Of course, in other ways the 2ww is tougher- nothing to do but wait and see...

I don't quite know what I'll think if we get our BFP this cycle. I have a feeling that there will be some guilt involved...that I should have asked for progesterone support before now. I threw up twice in the 2ww last cycle, a few days apart, and not attached to anyone else getting sick, and I just can't help but imagine that we'd conceived but there was not enough progesterone support for the little one. But I know I probably shouldn't feel guilty. After all, God does not make mistakes, and so if this is the cycle we find out we're expecting, it has always been the cycle that we'd find that out in His eyes. Perhaps He wanted me to know what it's like to have a gut feeling, trust my gut feeling, and be right for once.... before I get a gut feeling we're pregnant and wonder if I should trust it...

I think Mr. A has a gut feeling progesterone is the piece we've been missing. I'm going to trust him on this one... Husbands are always right, isn't that correct? :)


  1. Best of luck on the 2ww. I was really hoping that I would come back from my blogging break to you being prego. I am sorry it isn't there yet. Best of luck during this cycle. I really hope progesterone is the trick!

  2. I completely agree with you about the which is better...ovulation time vs. 2ww time. They both have their challenges but at least you don't have to DO anything during the 2ww. You just wait. Sigh, one day our life won't be broken into parts such as the 2ww, ovulation time, etc. :)

  3. I think progesterone was part of our missing piece, so hopefully it will be yours, too!

  4. I really hope progesterone is what you have been missing. Best if luck!!

  5. Fingers crossed that the progesterone does the trick!! I'll pray your BFP is just two short weeks away!! Pats to Banana!! :)

  6. I hope it works! Best wishes!!

  7. I really hope your 2ww goes by quickly and you get that BFP!

    p.s. I've been meaning to tell you & email you - I got the package. Sorry I haven't responded :(

  8. You shouldn't feel quilty. It's not your fault. And if this was it. Now you'll know!:) Good luck!!

  9. I'm praying for you! I'm a total believer of gut feelings and learning when to trust them and just go with it. I hope His plan for you is a BFP this cycle!

  10. Husbands are always right. Of course. . . We can't tell them that though. ;-) My DH used to always tell me, we'll get pregnant. I just KNOW it. I would always laugh in his face and tell him that he doesn't know anything. Well, he was right. I'm sure yours is too. :-D

  11. praying for you! i hope this is the one! no need for guilt if it is... just happiness!!! i hope the prog. is the key!

  12. I definitely have high hopes for the P4 support. Do not feel bad or guilty at all about not being on it before – that’s your Dr.’s area (and you know how I feel about him/her not at least checking the post-ov levels OR putting you on it, but that’s another day). No use looking at the past, it wasn't meant to be. Just move ahead with your progesterone-supported self! Best of luck.

  13. Good luck, we're all rooting for you!

  14. Couldn't agree more, it will all play out exactly how it was meant to! Best of luck...hoping the progesterone makes all the difference for you!!!

  15. Oh, I really, REALLY hope all you needed was some progesterone. Glad you are enjoying the beginning of your tww!

    PS- thank you for your kind encouragements and prayers. xxoo

  16. I hope that you have great news in two weeks! I hope that your husbands gut feeling is right on and that the progesterone is the magic that is needed for your BFP!

  17. Hope the progesterone is the magic ingredient, gl. :::crossing my fingers:::

  18. Good luck with the 2ww!

  19. I like the first half of the 2WW: no need to worry about timing and too early to worry about whether AF will be coming. Good luck with the progesterone. The one thing I like about it is that I feel like I'm doing something.

  20. Thank you for the prayers and the sweet comment on my blog...I will be praying for you too!

  21. Yay, 2ww! Yay, progesterone! Sounds like you're in a good place. Especially with that fire going! Good luck!

  22. Prayers and best wishes for this cycle! Definitely don't let those feelings of guilt creep in. You're doing the best you can do & it's up to the good Lord to do the rest.

    As for your last sentence... no comment! :o)
