
Thursday, January 21, 2010

I am not brave

Hello, I am a chicken ;-)

I didn't test, but neither is it CD1. Welcome to 15dpo. My temp was 98.5- still WAY high for this point in the game for me- especially because I got up an hour before for a drink of water, so it wasn't like I'd been laying there for 4 consecutive hours, or whatever it's supposed to be.

I just want the test to be so positive I don't even have to look at it twice. If I wait till 16dpo, it should be that way, right?

I don't really feel like AF is coming. My face is all clear, except my cheeks have been red for the last 4ish days- I always look like I've come in from a cold outside or something. I am still pretty tired feeling, I haven't had any spotting, I had a slight tightening feeling this morning in the uterus area, but (you are going to laugh at this description, and I will feel especially idiotic if I get AF tomorrow) the tightening/sort of cramp thing kind of felt like it was squeezing a how a stress ball would feel if you squeezed it. HA!! I have officially lost it ;-)

Only God knows what is in store- tomorrow I plan to call the RE regardless. I'll either be asking for a beta or setting up a CD3 u/s... praying it's the former....


  1. I'll be thinking of you today and tomorrow.

  2. A! 15 DPO and high temps. This is good...

    I so want you to test, please test soon!

    hoping and praying you see a positive very soon. I'm excited for you :-)

  3. Ohhhhh, I'm so anxious and excited for you! I'm with Al: PLEASE test soon. You have me on the edge of my seat over here!

  4. Test, test, test!!

    Okay, I know how you feel... with all these positive signs getting a BFN will be even more disappointing. Better to just wait it out and see what happens.

    But I think a high temp today, and being at 15dpo, are REALLY REALLY good signs! Oh, good luck!! I will be thinking about you!

  5. I can't belive you chickend out!

    All signs look great and I hope the best for you tomorrow!

    If you call tomorrow, will they be able to do a beta w/ results on Friday? Or will you have to wait until Sat to get results

  6. 15dpo - LOVE IT!! I totally got to work today and first thing I did was check to see if you had any news!!!

    I'm praying this is it for you, SO excited to check back tomorrow!!!

  7. i admire your restraint! but i am on the edge of my seat! can't wait to hear the results. i have everything crossed! sending you lots of positive thoughts!

  8. Good luck with POAS! Please test soon I'll be thinking of you!

  9. Beta...beta...beta!!!! :) 15DPO and still high temps? YES! I love it!!!

  10. praying praying praying!!! i'm so hopeful for you!

  11. Praying for you! Can't blame you for not testing, but I am pretty excited to hear some good news tomorrow :).

  12. A, girl POAS! Good symptoms! You said your cheeks have been red. I just wanted to make sure you aren't running low grade fever. Not a big deal, but if you aren't taking baby aspirin, pop one a day. I am expecting great news! Praying for you and what's to come.

  13. I'm so excited for you! I'll be checking several times tomorrow to see what happens! Good luck and we're praying!

  14. I was so excited to hear from you today. You are brave for holding out on testing.

    Your temp sounds wonderful though. On my negative cycles (and I had MANY) my temp always dipped way before 15 DPO.

    Thinking of you!

  15. Ahhh! So excited for you. I hope this is it!! :)

  16. I would never be able to hold out as long as you! Praying that God will bless you with a BFP tomorrow morning!

  17. You ARE patient! I really hope this is IT for you. I hope that AF stays away and you get your BFP tomorrow! Best of luck, my dear!

    And thanks for the award! I'm working on my response post and will get it up soon!

  18. Oh I HOPE its positive!!!!! It really sounds like it could be!!! I totally get the uterus tighening feeling...I've had it all through my early pregnancy!! Sending prayers, A!!!! :)

  19. PRAYING FOR YOU!!! Crossing fingers and toes and everything else. You ARE brave & you can do this!

  20. The suspense is killing me! Hoping and praying for you!

  21. Test! I hope this is it for you!

    You're taking progesterone, though, aren't you? With the last cycle, my period didn't come until after I stopped the progesterone, so I just want to warn you of that. I hope, hope, hope that isn't the case, but I needed to hear that when I first started with the progesterone.

    Fingers are crossed!!

  22. Wow--all good signs. You are so strong not to have tested already. We cant wait to see the results! Hoping and praying for you.

  23. Wishing you good thoughts!! I can't wait to hear your results!!! I am thinking positive for you :)

  24. Yay yay yay!!! I can't wait to hear (hopefully the GOOD NEWS)!

  25. I really hope that you see great news tomorrow if you decide to test! I can not wait to check your blog tomorrow! Best Wishes!

  26. This is awesome news, A! Please test tomorrow and let us know! I would love to read a pregnancy post tomorrow morning :) Good luck. Fingers crossed!

  27. Oh my gosh, I couldn't wait to get home to see if you posted a pee stick result! I'm dying here!
    I'm sending you lots and lots of good luck dust, I hope this is it for you.

  28. Ahh! I can't wait to see how it goes. I have a good feeling about it. :-) I've been praying for you and regardless of how this cycle turns out, I'll continue to do so. :-)

  29. You really know how to torture us, don't you!! Thinking of you and praying this is the cycle God gives your miracle. You better post bright and early tomorrow :)
