
Wednesday, December 02, 2009

got hope?

Does God really go around putting "got hope?" message-bearing bumper stickers on cars and then making them pass me on the interstate?

In response, I said to God: "YES LORD, I sure do have HOPE! I probably have more than recommended actually, but I can't BEAR to NOT HOPE!! God, I pray you will use this IUI to bless us with our first baby(s)!! PLEASE! I actually would love to have MORE HOPE, but I'm not sure my heart can manage the already bubbling-over volume of HOPE I have stuffed within me. God please FULFILL the desire of my heart to conceive and bear our first child(ren)!!! My HOPE is based in YOUR mercy and love, Lord, and I pray that it's Your will that my HOPE will not be misplaced this cycle!!!"

Resume twanging along with Joh.nny Cash's version of Silent Night...

And thus you would have found me driving back from my u/s this morning.

Which, by the way, was great. I even had to drive to the actual hospital, instead of the normal satellite office, because my RE has an egg retrieval and an embryo transfer and another surgery scheduled for the rest of the day there. Busy guy! I was a little nervous (aren't hospitals hard to navigate around?), but the whole time I felt completely at peace. I was exactly on time and where I needed to be, and the u/s showed two beautiful follicles that are 18mm, two beautiful ones that are 16mm, and one that is 12mm. (Three on right, two on left.) WHOA. (!!!!!!!!!) I am officially hoping for happy and healthy twins in August 2010. Ha! Did I just write that??

After the u/s, I could not shake the happy feeling. I tried not to smile because I felt like a complete goofball, but I just wanted to smile. I think my doc is also really happy with the response this time, and I am just praying that the Lord will bless at least one of these follicles to become our first baby!!

I met my friend O for tea after the u/s. It was such an awesome time for fellowship with her!! We had such inspiring conversations about our volunteer work at respective pregnancy centers- it is such a neat thing to share with someone else!! She has a heart for volunteering there especially since her daughter's birthmom considered abortion and then decided against it, choosing life and to make an adoption plan instead. So powerful!! I am so thankful for the friendship God has provided me through her!! She is so excited for us, especially after the u/s results this morning! She was telling me how great and fun motherhood is and just beaming the whole time. I felt so loved by her and that she is praying so hard for us!! It was so neat to see, and it made me all the more excited about being a mom! I just can't wait. Well, you know, I can. And I will, but you know, I just can't wait!!!

My RE's nurse just called- IUI will be at 9am Saturday!! Somebody wipe this smile off my face! (Good luck- Bra.d Paisl.ey Christmas is the CD that's playing!!!!!)

(Updated: Nurse just called again and we're moving the IUI back to 10am on Saturday...)


  1. So glad you have a great friend to talk to who can really understand and offer advice.

    Great news about the follicles! Good luck Saturday.

  2. Glad to hear you so positive! It's refreshing :). I'm getting excited for you!

  3. I am getting so excited for you and just can't wait to hear the good news :)

    I really like your positive attitude & your Faith. Love it!

  4. Praying that this Saturday is the begining of your August 2010 miracle!! :)

  5. I take those bumper stickers as a definite sign... Prayers for a very successful IUI on Saturday!

  6. I'm trying to keep my hope suppressed until I'm farther into the 2ww. Good luck with your iui.

  7. Everything sounds great for the IUI on saturday!! I hope you get your twind in August 2010...

  8. Awesome news about the follies! I have really high hopes for you as well your IUI on Saturday. Good luck!

  9. Looks like my IUI will be Saturday morning, too. Crossing my fingers that we both get good news this month!

  10. Great news on the follies. You responded really well to the meds this time.

  11. Wow! That all sounds like wonderful news. I'm glad your body responded so well to the increased dosage. I will be praying hard that God will breathe life into existence within you this weekend. Also, I'm so glad you had a wonderful tea time with O. What a sweet friend. Would love to join you sometime! :-)

  12. Thinking of you and sending thoughts and prayers your way for Saturday!

  13. So glad things are looking good - I have SO MUCH hope for you :)

  14. good luck today!!!! your follie counts are awesome! yaaay! twins in 2010!

  15. good luck today!!!! your follie counts are awesome! yaaay! twins in 2010!
