
Thursday, December 03, 2009

Spilling the beans

Leave it to the infertile to spill the beans about her 13-wk pregnant cousin to all the rest of the cousins.


Since my parents knew about her baby, I thought everyone did, and that I was just way behind the times. So when my cousin was the only one to still not have sent me her picture for the calendar yesterday, I "reply all"-ed to everyone and said "Go get on [cousin] because her baby picture is the only one I'm missing!!"

Apparently I'm not the only one who was behind the times...


Darn "reply all"...

I emailed her my profound apologies, and she responded that she also thought everyone knew, what with the family grapevine of news that normally lights up. Guess the grapevine is out of order this time! I cannot believe she is not more upset. I really lucked out, if she truly doesn't mind my speaking out of turn. Can you imagine the wrath I could be experiencing?!

Is it some sort of cosmic joke that the infertile spilled the beans about somebody else's baby? HA!


  1. oh thats ok :) normally news does travel fast hehe

  2. If she wanted it to be a secret she should have been more specific! How were you supposed to know! Glad it turned out alright though.

  3. haha, o no! Dang that reply all. I would have thought at thirteen weeks everyone would have known by now as well. Glad she wasn't upset!

  4. Love the irony!! Glad she's not upset! :)

  5. I'm glad she wasn't upset!

  6. No worries if she's not worried! In fact, it was sweet of her to (unknowingly) let you announce it to those who didn't know... kind of like a practice round. Keeping you in my prayers for a successful IUI this weekend! Have HOPE!

  7. LOL, this made me laugh! I'm glad she wasn't upset, so no worries :)

  8. Whoops! Oh well, at least one of us got to make a pregnancy announcement :).

    Hoping you get to make your own soon!

  9. Oh no! Sounds like your cousin was cool about it, so don't feel too bad. Darn that "reply-all"!

  10. Gotta love irony! Glad she is not upset though =)

  11. lol, it sounds like it worked out ok since she thought everyone already knew! That's funny that you were the one to tell :)

  12. haha, this post cracked me up! oooopsie! i'm glad things worked out. could have been a doozy!
