
Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Fast Growers

u/s yesterday went really well! Unexpectedly, though, I already have 20mm, 17mm, and 15mm follicles!!!! I guess the increased dosage really made them grow fast this time!! AND, if you can believe it, the 20mm is on the LEFT!!! I guess we finally got that one into shape!! My RE says he's surprised I only have 3 (he might have preferred 4), and I'm sort of thinking the same thing, but he is very happy that the left one is cooperating and that all three will most likely ovulate.

I got estrodiol bloodwork after the u/s, and they are calling me with the result this morning, but my RE expects to have us trigger tonight and have the IUI on Thursday morning. It will be our first weekday one! Good thing, too, because Mr. A's family just told us yesterday that they'd like to visit this weekend!

Guess who will (probably) be 10dpo on Valentine's Day?? Hahahahaha, why do I do this to myself??


  1. Praying that this is your month!!!!

  2. I notice that the meds tend to make my follies grow faster, too. Plus, I'm fast all on my own. Best of luck with triggering tonight!

  3. Hooray for those big fat follies! Good luck & sending lots of prayers your way.

  4. Great news! Good luck with the trigger :).

  5. Great news, A!! Good luck this month!

  6. Wow - those are big guys. How many did you have last cycle? I can't remember. I'm decreasing my dosage so I expect small numbers.

    Good Luck!

  7. Congrats. Super excited for you!!

  8. Fantastic!! Go lefty go!!! Maybe the weekDAY IUI will be the trick!!! A valentines day baby.... sounds perfect!!!!

  9. Great news on the follies! Those are great sizes, and I think 3 is a perfect number! It sounds like this cycle is going really really well - congrats!

  10. Wow those are some awesome follies! I'm so excited for you. Good luck. I'm praying for great results!

  11. Great news & great follies! Will keep you in my prayers this week. God always knows what He is doing :)!

  12. Those are some great sounding follicles!!! We will be praying!!

  13. YAY! Beautiful sized follies! Hoping this is your month. Maybe you'll know on V-day. Wouldn't that be exciting!!!

    As for "why do you do this to yourself"... haha. Who knows? I do the same thing... pure torture... except that as soon as I have my ultrasound, I start playing with due dates and finding significance in the due dates. Haha.

  14. Glad that they are growing quickly! Hope this is your cycle!

  15. Such great news, YAY for fabulous follies!!! Sending tons of positive vibes your way!

  16. That was fast, but it sounds like things went really well this cycle! Praying for you!

  17. YAY!!! Lots of luck and prayers and good vibes!!!

  18. Yeah A!! Great news - I'm so hopeful for you this cycle. I think 3 is a great number of follies :)

  19. Yay for your follies!!!! I'm praying this really is your cycle, cause seriously, its time! Good luck =)

  20. WOW! Great numbers! Best of luck to you!

  21. GREAT news! I really hope this is THE cycle!

  22. I am praying that this month is the month that you will get your miracle! It is all so exciting.

  23. Wow! This did seem to go fast. And your response is great! :-D

  24. YAY!! That is great news. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you!

  25. Sounds like you have some great follicles! Glad to hear this cycle is looking good. Happy Valentine's Day, indeed! :)
