Bright and Early

Saturday, October 30, 2010

I woke up this morning to a new cycle, without any cramps, bright, and early. I was expecting to start this weekend, but I was surprised in that I have been having some pre-AF cramps in previous cycles, and I had no such discomfort when I woke up. I'm hoping that acupuncture and some healthier eating has helped encourage healthier bloodflow, which from my understanding, reduces cramps because cramps can be a sign of blood flow interruption...and the cramps come from your body trying really hard to get things flowing again.

And, while I am enjoying my heating pad right now, the cramps that have developed are very very mild, and if it wasn't that Mr. A made an amazingly cozy fire this morning in our wood stove and that we are (all four of us) taking a family mid-morning nap in front of the stove (well I am not sleeping, but this is relaxing for me!), I would be out doing errands instead of kicking back in the recliner. Mornings like this are too good to pass up.

Like I told my acupuncturist yesterday before an AMAZING session, I am really looking forward to embracing the chinese medicine approach to getting my body in good shape (but I am equally scared to leave modern medicine behind). She taught me some Qigong moves to strengthen my kidney energy, and I am looking forward to practicing them. From my pulses, my kidney energy is low, and in chinese medicine, that is the energy that governs reproductive systems. Need to get that in good working order!!! Here are some things I am doing to help the energy:

-Practicing my bear Qigong moves, with the focused purpose of increasing my kidney strength and energy
-Eating more beans, especially kidney-shaped ones, and nuts, such as walnuts
-Continuing to drink room temperature/warm water
-Upping my wheatgrass drink to twice a day- wheatgrass enhances the blood
-Adding some seeds (sunflower, pumpkin, chia) as snacks
-Remaining committed to a low-level of sugar in my diet, and continue eating organic meats/veggies/grains
-Going to bed by 10:15, so that I can get good, restful sleep (I have to set my phone alarm for this one- we often fall asleep in the family room with the TV on, but this does not lend itself to restful sleep, as your mind/body is not fully at rest when the TV is flashing and making noise, etc.)
-Applying vetiver oil to a cotton ball for imparting a grouding scent to areas I spend alot of time in
-Increasing the time I spend in reflection/prayer, to try to make my day as peaceful as possible

I hope these things will make a positive difference!!


Adam and Julia said...

Wow! You sound so happy and upbeat today! I love the positive changes you are making in your life. I might try to adopt a few of them myself. Enjoy your relaxing day.

Jos said...

Sounds like things are right on track!!

Anonymous said...

Really glad your cramps are not bad at all this cycle. I hope that all those things do make a positive difference. Good luck!

Coco said...

Sounds wonderful! I've studied Eastern Medicine and am actually trained to do accupressure (don't like needles)and other things. I love love love it. SO peaceful. I feel a little more calm just thinking about it. Mmmmm. Hope it works for you! :)

Trisha said...

Really glad you are focusing on the positives and looking at the up side of things. Continuing to pray for you!

Anonymous said...

Glad you skipped the cramps this time around! Hoping you were able to have a relaxing day like you hoped.

the misfit said...

It sounds to me like you have a generally healthy reproductive system that just hasn't gotten the message thus far (unlike those of us who are in a contest for most diseases diagnosed, I mean). So why wouldn't Eastern medicine be the way to go - give the system a little push? And it can't help but make you healthier overall, I'm sure. Also, your morning sounds awesome.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that these changes are helping you feel better. Yay for no cramps!! :)

Jessica said...

Sounds like accupunture is really helping...glad to hear that you are feeling good!!