January 2008- Let's get serious
July 2008- Thyroid and SA testing- everything normal
September 2008- HSG- both tubes filled/spilled
February 2009- Progetserone tested by OB/GYN: 6.4
May 2009- RE appt- Progesterone low by his standards
June 2009- Clomid 50 mg #1 (neg.), but progesterone 16.8!
July 2009- Clomid #2 (neg.)
August 2009- Clomid #3 (neg.)
September 2009- Clomid #4 (neg.)
October 2009- Follistim #1 (neg.)
November 2009- Follistim #2 + IUI #1 (neg.)
December 2009- Follistim #3 + IUI #2- 9dpiui progesterone low: 5 (neg.)
Dec/January 2010- Clomid #5 + progesterone after ovulation- 7dpo progesterone: 20.5! (neg.)
Jan/February 2010- Follistim #4 + IUI #3 + progesterone after ovulation- 7dpiui progesterone: 16.1! (neg.)
March/April 2010- (cancelled) IVF + Acupuncture
a. March 11- u/s and begin Lupron
b. March 27- begin Follistim (300 iu)
c. March 30- estradiol bloodwork (27- frown; increase follistim to 350iu)
d. April 1- u/s monitoring (2 follies; estradiol: 87)
e. April 3- u/s monitoring (2 follies- decide to cancel IVF)
f. April 4- Trigger + roll(s) in the hay
g. April 7- start progesterone (vag)
h. April 13- progesterone test (11.6- BLAH)
i. April 15- WTF appt w/ RE
j. April 20- CD1
April/May 2010- IVF + Acupuncture
a. April 22- CD3 u/s + Start Follistim (350iu) (2 10mm follicles, several other small ones)
b. April 24- u/s (2 14mm, 3 10mm)
c. April 26- u/s + bloodwork (1 18mm, 1 14mm, 1 13mm, 2 11mm) (estradiol: 101)
d. April 26- Start Ganirelix
e. April 29- u/s (1 21mm, 1 16mm, 2 14mm, 1 12mm)
f. May 1- u/s (1 26mm, 1 18mm, 1 15mm, 3 14mm, 1 12mm?)
g. May 3- u/s + bloodwork (1 29mm, 2 20mm, 1 18mm, 2 15mm) (estradiol: 656)- TRIGGER!!
h. May 5- ER (5 eggies!) (4 mature, 1 fertilized)
i. May 8- ET (1 beautiful 4-cell embryo!)
j. May 11- bloodwork (progesterone=93, estrogen=376)
k. May 19- HPT: BFN/spotting
l. May 20- Beta: BFN
May/June 2010- au naturale (neg.)
June/July 2010- Vitamin D (neg.)
July/August 2010- Clomid 100mg, Vitamin D, Baby Aspirin, Wheatgrass, and Robitussin + progesterone after ovulation (progesterone 18.3)
August/September 2010- Clomid 100mg #2, Vitamin D, Baby Aspirin, Wheatgrass, and Robitussin + progesterone after ovulation
September/October 2010- Clomid 100mg #3, Vitamin D, Baby Aspirin, Wheatgrass, and Acupuncture + progesterone after ovulation
October 2010 and beyond- Vitamin D, Wheatgrass, and Acupuncture
November 2010- added Royal Jelly
January 2011- added CoQ10, yoga, Circle + Bloom
January 29, 2011- Surprise all-natural BFP!!! Baby due October 4, 2011 Thank you, Lord!!
a. 1/31/11 4w6d beta (1123), progesterone (17.9)
b. 2/2/11 5w1d progesterone (20.2)
c. 2/10/11 6w2d u/s (heartbeat! 110 bpm)
d. 2/25/11 8w3d midwife appointment (heartbeat! 150 bpm)
e. 3/25/11 12w3d midwife appointment (heartbeat: 161 bpm; weight: +4lb; blood pressure: 124/72)
f. 4/4/11 13w6d u/s (heartbeat: 154 bpm)
g. 4/22/11 16w3d appointment (heartbeat: 145-150 bpm; weight: -2lb (+2lb total); blood pressure: 130/82)
h. 5/20/11 20w3d u/s (heartbeat: 156 bpm; all heart, brain, kidney, cord, and bone measurements look perfect; SHE weighs about 13oz; weight: +4lb (+6lb total); blood pressure: 124/80)
i. 6/17/11 24w3d midwife appointment (heartbeat: 151bpm; weight: +4lb (+10lb total); blood pressure: 124/84)
j. 7/1/11 1-hr Glucose test (failed: normal 139, my level 142)
k. 7/15/11 3-hr Glucose test (passed fasting, 2-hr, 3-hr; failed 1-hr: glucose intolerance but not GD)
l. 7/15/11 28w3d midwife appointment (heartbeat: high 140s; weight: +6lb (+16lb total); blood pressure: 130/80)
m. 8/1/11 30w6d midwife appointment (heartbeat: 142 bpm; weight +3lb (+19total); blood pessure: 122/70)
n. 8/19/11 33w3d midwife appointment (baby is head down! heartbeat: 160s; weight +0lb (+19 total); blood pressure: first try: 146/82, recheck after laying down: 122/68)
o. 9/2/11 35w3d midwife appointment (baby is head down with good heartbeat; weight +4lb (+23 total); blood pressure: 140/90, recheck not much better=24 hour urine collection :( )
p. 9/2/11-9/3/11: 24-hr urine collection (results within normal range)
q. 9/12/11 36w6d midwife appointment (baby head down in pelvis; weight -3lb (+20 total); blood pressure: 130/80 (YAYYYYY!!!!))
r. 9/19/11 37w6d midwife appointment (baby head down pretty low; weight +1lb (+21 total); blood pressure: 120/82!!)
s. 9/26/11 38w6d midwife appointment (baby head down pretty low; weight +3lb (+24 total); blood pressure: 132/80!!)
t. 10/3/11 39w6d midwife appointment (baby at 0 station, heartbeat 143; 2cm dilated; 70% effaced; weight +2lb (+26 total); blood pressure: 128/78)
u. 10/4/11 Baby girl born at 9:36pm!! 6lbs12oz, 18 inches long: Praise God!!!
v. 11/10/11 Baby girl up to 8lbs2oz, almost 21 inches long
w. 11/17/11 Midwife appointment- all looks good! Only 3lbs above pre-pregnancy weight :)
x. 12/13/11 Baby girl up to 9lbs1oz
y. 2/9/12 Baby girl up to 11lbs9oz, almost 24 inches long
November 2011-beyond- Enjoying our new baby girl! And no birth control, thankyouverymuch!y
I think the January 24th, 2011 due date is an awesome addition to the journey!! It gives hope, and made me smile. Good luck! Thinking about you and praying or you!! fingers crossed..and eyes..and toes
I just came across your blog and I got to your HAHA moment there....=) I love your sense of optimism and hope! Way to go! Keep it up! Look forward to your good news soon!
Your due date is the day after my birthday :)! I would consider it an immense priviledge to share a birthday with your little blessing. Snuggle in tight, little bean!!
Do you recommend Circle + Bloom? I'm thinking about it. I'll probably order it but thought I would get your thoughts first. So happy you finally got your BFP!!!
I just found your blog last week and it REALLY hit home....congratulations and thank you for sharing your journey!!! After several years we are now expecting our little miracle mid December. It is so helpful to hear from others who have travelled similiar paths...
I just found your blog last week and it really hit home...congratulations and thank you for sharing your journey!!! After several years we are expecting our little miralce mid december. It is so helpful to hear from others who have traveled down similiar paths.
I had no idea you have been through so much. I'm really without words and am so thankful to have met you so we could pray. This really is an incredible journey, and your courage and determination are inspiring. I think this blog must be helping many women and I appreciate getting to share it with family members TTC. God bless you guys.
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