
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Wow, thank you all for your prayers on Sunday!! I am so thankful and appreciative- I feel so blessed to be surrounded by such positive influences!!

I have to admit that I always chuckled when I saw people write "dpiui"...in my head I always say "dpewey". Ha!!

If my physical symptoms after the HCG shot are in any way indicative of how I'll feel once the baby starts making HCG, I will be easily tired and have a tender lower abdomen feeling. Also really sensitive up top. I am pretty sure I was like this last cycle, too. Hopefully there won't be a subsequent cycle until next fall...

Mr. A and his brothers pretend to be philosophers from time to time, and one of their favorite theories to ponder is Schrodinger's cat. Are you familiar with it? Basically this scientist said that if you put a cat and some poison in a covered box, there are two outcomes that exist simultaneously, until you open the box and see what has happened: the cat is both dead and alive at the same time. I don't really agree with the conclusion, because I think just because both possibilities exist at the same time, it doesn't mean that both actualities exist at the same time- even if you can't see what the outcome is, there is still only one reality, and my own personal conclusion makes the discussions about this concept with them all the more fun and hilarious.

But for the sake of my current situation, and because I think it is completely funny to antagonize Mr. A with my disagreement of the fancy conclusion of that cat experiment, I am choosing to believe that I am indeed pregnant. Might as well choose the positive outcome if both exist! Ha!

Anyway, since I am pregnant (haha), I was telling Mr. A that, while I would accept being pregnant at any time of the year, I am particularly excited about being due in August. Why, you say? I have a couple friends who were due in August, and all they can tell me is how hot it is to be pregnant then. WELL. Luckily, I can just go float around in our pool!!! Literally ever since we've started trying, I have always thought how good/healthy it would be to be able to swim while really pregnant, and how refreshing it would be to be able to feel buoyant when 8 mos pregnant. So this is just perfect! Awesome how these things work out like this.

Nothing else particularly exciting going on. Just praying that God has allowed conception of our first baby to take place and that he'll/she'll/they'll be born healthy and happy next August. Also praying for my friend T who's just beginning the adoption process, and GIMH who is bringing her adopted son home today!!! And also praying for my friend K who is in the midst of her first 2ww under an Eastern Medicine doc's care- so far it is looking much better than her previous cycles, and the Wife who's 9 weeks pregnant today!!! And also praying for all of the rest of you...


Anonymous said...

I really, really hope the IUI worked, and that the sleepiness and other symptoms are here to stay. :)

Thankful said...

The thought of floating weightlessly in a pool with a big belly sounds ideal. I love that it has been part of your "ideal" since you started TTC.

Priscilla said...

I love your image of being very pregnant and floating around in a pool! I am in the middle of IVF#2 and if it works I also would be due in August! Here's to hoping!!! :)


Deanna: Infertile Momma said...

I choose to agree with you that we are both pregnant right now!!! Let's think positive. My mom was born in August and she's one of the best people ever so I'm looking forward to having an August baby! Fingers crossed...prayers said!!!

Melissa said...

We have a pool too and every summer I look at it and think the same thing you do. It'll be awesome!

I think an August baby would be lovely. Praying for you!

Anonymous said...

That does sound nice - floating in a pool when pregnant :).

Hoping that you get your August baby!

Hillary said...

Love the idea of you floating in your pool pregnant in August!! Praying for you and your miracle.

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Anonymous said...

you ARE pregnant! PUPO. :)

fingers crossed your IUI did the trick this time! everything else seemed to go right that day, so i'm feeling very positive!