
Thursday, September 03, 2009

Haha, I have figured out the first consequence of my Choose Life license plates. I can't tail someone in front of me on the highway in the left lane going 60mph anymore!!! Hahahahaha!! I don't think it really enhances the message if, after I go full steam ahead by them (once they move over, after entirely too long of not noticing me in their rear view mirror, of course), they see that Miss Impatience behind them also wants them to choose life. Ha!


Thanks for all your comments on my last post! Mr. A and I talked about it last night, and since I'm not having any particularly bad side effects (praise God!), he would like to see me take the clomid again, and since we get reimbursed for the monitor sticks from my health savings account, he sees no reason I shouldn't just go get a box. He has really surprised me lately by being very proactive about getting us one (or more, haha) of those kiddo things. Okey doke, I say!


Hillary said...

lol, now you really have to be a good witness as a driver!

Glad you and your husband made your decision. Sounds like a good one :)

Anonymous said...

That's what I always thought when one of those cars with the fish symbols would zoom around cutting me off, or otherwise acted like an idiot on the road - how dare he put that on there and then drive like that! Haha. Kinda funny :).

Glad your hubby is proactive!

prayerfuljourney said...

Praise God for supportive husbands...we know we need them. Good luck with the next just never knows..huh? And since you don't have any side effects that are bothersome...go for it! :)

LadyEm said...

Lol, love that post! I need to get something similar to keep myself from doing the same thing on the road...

Good luck!

Karey said...

I don't have the license plate yet, but I have a pro-life sticker and I ALWAYS think about that same thing.. that there are probably people who I have cut off or something who then see my sticker and are like "Oh, look at that pro-lifer driving like a maniac, not caring about our lives!!" I can just hear it! It makes me drive a little better, but I usually don't think of it til after I've done something stupid!