Saute with some of our OWN onion (the last one)! The onions didn't do great at all, as far as becoming actual onion size, but we got alot of scallions (onions before the onion part gets big), but the one onion that we left in the ground to see if it'd get the normal white onion size didn't really make it to normal white onion size, and well, we are still working on that patience thing...
Add in some tomatoes (not ours- our tomatoes are still green! ha!), garlic, basil, and warm through- then top with some cheese :)
Pair up with some barbeque chicken! YUM!
I've said it before, but it is so cool to eat veggies we grew ourselves!! Oh yah, and we're getting more flowers on our raspberry bush again- looks like we'll get a second round!
In cycle news, we didn't have a stork show up on our doorstep and give us some notice for the coming of our baby, but I did have a fairly big temp spike yesterday and it looks like it's heading triphasic this morning. Of course that doesn't mean anything, and I am definitely not temping next cycle (if there is one, haha). I did screen a video yesterday at the pregnancy center that shows pictures/video from conception to like 30 weeks of a baby, and it was like the war of the minds wanting to believe that is happening right now versus not wanting to lead myself on.
Only God knows if we're also growing a baby in addition to zucchini's....
I eat that almost every night for dinner this week. Your zuchinni, tomato, cheese bake dish! It's so freaking yummy!!!! :)
Praying you are growing more than just food. ;)
I wish I could stop temping, but it's kind of crucial to know exactly when I ovulated so I can start taking the progesterone. And I think I do better with more information than less. I can "relax" better because I know what's happening with my cycle. Of course, all that goes out the window with the 2ww. I would stop temping then maybe, except if I ever did get pregnant, I'd want to know what my post-O temps looked like...
Your zucchini looks great! And what a yummy way to fix them :). I think I'll try that tonight - we've got tons of tomatoes from our CSA and lots of yellow squash.
I always have such high hopes for our veg garden, you must be so happy to get all that great stuff! I hope this is the cycle for you! I'll be praying!
Beautiful veggies! I continue to have a black thumb...well maybe more brown. I got one tomato and two strawberries so far this year! Maybe third year is a charm? I'll hope! :)
I can't wait to plant a veggie garden when we move! Your dinner looks yummy!
Your veggies look delicious!
I think you were smart to plant em' you will have goodies well after everyone else is heading back to market!!!
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