
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Thank you, everyone, for praying for me and our possible little one(s)!! I truly appreciate it :)

I already know that there is only a 2% chance I'll have the guts to test tomorrow. Sure, it'll be 14dpo. But when I test, I want it to be like, blam, there's the fat second line! Not like, where I have to dissect the test container and put it under an electron microscope with level 37 contrast and exacting light conditions and still squint my eyes and tilt my head 46 degrees to maybe see a hint of maybe a line ;-) So, even though I know it's killing you early testing crazy people (meant with lots of love, of course), I'll probably wait till Monday.

I was not quite as tired this morning, and in the interest of full disclosure, yesterday afternoon I felt in such a fog (sort of like how you feel when you just woke up from a nap) that I think I had a very mild baseline headache, like white noise almost- I could barely feel it, but it was just there off and on for alot of the day. Ah, shoot. But, to be fair, it was not one single thing like my normal 2ww headache which comes on in an afternoon and gets progressively worse until I have to put a washcloth over my face after dinner and squeeze my eyes shut until I fall asleep. So headache, yes (frown), but not the normal one. If I could compare it anything, it is actually like the really mild barely-there headaches that I get sometimes before/during ovulation. At this statememt, my heart wants to take the opportunity to suggest that maybe progesterone is increasing now just like it does around ovulation....

I am not having so many sharp cramp-type things, but I have way more bb tenderness/soreness/heaviness this morning. I put on a normal bra this morning, and I think I'll switch to a sports bra soon because this normal one allows for too much movement!!!

(Dare I say that I was super thirsty this morning- when I got home from walking Banana, I had to chug a ginger ale because I was dying to drink something and the coffee was taking too long to brew! Plus I wanted something cold...)

I honestly do not know what to expect. I think I'd be surprised either way, in one respect or another. I'd be surprised if it was a BFN because of the new meds and more objective symptoms. I'd be surprised if it was a BFP because, well, that there is an endangered species around these parts!!

I am continuing to lift all of these things to God. I pray for our little one(s) who might be snuggling in, but above all, I pray to be given a view of God's plan for our family. I know even if He has not blessed us with a baby this cycle, He has blessed us in many other ways, and for those things I raise my hands in praise today. I know that He has great plans for our family, and I am so excited to see what He has in store!!


Anonymous said...

I want you to test!! LOL I want to know the result, but do what you feel comfortable with. Good luck.

Sew said...

Oh my gosh, TEST ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!

You are killing me over here!!!!!!

Kathryn said...

Yes TEST!! :) Monday seems so far away! I am pulling for you!

Deanna: Infertile Momma said...

I don't blame you for waiting longer to test, even though I'm on of the crazy early testers. Its torture to second guess the result. Still praying for you! Hoping you post some great news Monday!

Lisa said...

I would wait if I were you too...I am not a tester at all. I HATE seeing a negative so I just wait...Praying for you in your wait!! Come on 2 pink lines on Monday!!

... said...

It is driving me crazy, but if you can take it then I can, too. I completely understand wanting to wait.

Thankful said...

You're a week ahead of me... so I am interested to read what you are going through. If you can wait until Monday, you're one tough cookie and I admire you.

the misfit said...

Ooh, I'm torn - on the one hand, if I were you, I would definitely wait. (There is a reason there are NO HPTs IN MY HOUSE.) On the other hand, I REALLY want to hear the results! So I guess that means I think you shouldn't test - but I want to hear the results if you do :).

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I didn't test positive with my little man until 16 or 17 dpo. Hope you get the result you're hoping for. : )

... said...

Thinking of you!