Lemonade out of Lemons

Saturday, January 16, 2010

I was so honored to receive the "Making Lemonade out of Lemons" award from venting vagina the other day! She has been having a great attitude about going through IVF lately, and many of her multi-media (you tube, pictures, ebay finds) posts are hilarious (and/or super cute) and really remind me to keep everything in perspective :)

The rules for this award:

- Put the Lemonade logo on your blog or within your post.
- Nominate at least 10 blogs with great attitude or gratitude.
- Link the nominees within your post.
- Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
- Share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award.

I nominate, in no particular order…

1. Life Happens When You're Making Other Plans
2. Wistful Girl
3. Inconceivable!
4. Mission: Motherhood (she is doing an amazing job seeking peace after her recent miscarriage)
5. Mis(sed)conception
6. Making Me Mom
7. Stacey's Thoughts on Infertility
8. a + b, waiting for c
9. While I'm Waiting
10. The Potter Family Happenings


Life Happens said...

Congrats on the award and thank you for bestowing it on me!

... said...

Congrats! You defintely would be the first "lemonade maker" to come to my mind!

Anonymous said...

awe, thank you for your nice comments. :)

Hillary said...

Aw, thank you!

Alison said...

Thank you!! I so admire your great attitude and strong faith...you are an inspiration :)

AL said...

Thank you!!! I'm trying

You are the #1 lemonade maker - you're inspiring :-)

Lisa said...

Thanks for the award!

Basic Girl said...

Congrats, you totally deserve this!!! I can feel your positivity through your blog and think its amazing!!

Stacey said...

Thank you so much! You're so sweet. :o)

Erica said...

Yes, you definitely deserve this award!! I have always appreciated the hope and optimism that comes from your faith. Thanks so much for sharing the award with me too! Now if only I could think of 10 bloggers that I read who actually know who I am, hmmm...