(And, haha, to let you in on a chuckle, I was just thinking that have been expecting to be expecting every cycle for a while now!! Haha, I am cracking myself up! ANYWAY....)
Here is what I'm expecting from tomorrow (those of you who've been to an RE can tell me if I'm crazy or not!)
- He'll say that I need a whole new panel of hormone bloodwork all from the same cycle and that Mr. A needs some bloodwork and to give another sample
- He might say that since my HSG was in September that I need another one
- He'll say that one of the results that was considered "ok" by my OB does not make the cut in the RE world, and (in a perfect world) it will be really easy to fix
- He'll be taken off guard when I ask about the clotting blood test
- If #3 doesn't apply, he will suggest clo.mid or a lap
- If #3 does apply to any of Mr. A's sample from last July, he'll suggest some sort of ART
- I will at least have some plan as far as what the RE suggests for further diagnosis/treatment
All right, I want to get in on the betting pool. I agree he'll want more b/w from you but would be surprised if he wanted it from Mr. A. Agree he'll want another s/a. I'd be surprised if he wants another HSG so soon. Don't know what result you mean in #3. Agree with #4. He'll definitely suggest clomid. He'll at least mention ART. #7 - agreed. My additional bet: if he's not a napro doc, he'll want at least two rounds of FSH testing. If you've had them and they're in the normal range and relatively recent, he'll prescribe clomid - PROBABLY without insisting on any further b/w or anything. (Or he may redo the FSH just so he has results from his preferred lab.) Then if clomid doesn't work in 6 months he'll go for a full b/w panel, a lap if you have ANY endo symptoms, and MAYBE a repeat HSG.
Also, do you have any endo symptoms? If you do and you haven't had a lap, maybe you'll want one...?
(#3=one of any result of any test we've done...)
I've never been to a RE before, but from what I've heard from other people, I think you've got it covered... How was your bil's graduation?!
I haven't been to an RE, but from what I've heard from others, he'll want to repeat a lot of the tests aready done because you know they don't trust each others' work.
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