
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I am feeling tired and blah tonight. I had to drive up to my office today- the round trip takes about 6 hours total, including office time- so that is always an energy sink. I did manage to make pizza (homemade crust, etc.) for dinner and float around in the pool for a while after I got the dishes all cleaned up. Mr. A has to do some software update for his company at midnight tonight and prior to that he's at a friend's house helping with their chicken coop (ha! yes, we live in the country!), so it's me and Banana being the epitome of lazy!

I am having some crazy gas or cramps or something, so now I'm mildly worried that something is wrong, but maybe it's nothing (or something- ha). Why would I be having cramps on 1dpo?! I am all of a sudden afraid of an ectopic...Lord protect us!

I am kind of behind on comments on others' blogs, but I promise I'm reading and praying where necessary! It has taken a few days to get back to normal after returning from the RV trip- the last of three trips in the last 8 weeks- we are so glad to be home for the rest of the summer! I blame my lack of commenting on discombobulation from travelling, how's that?

If you could pray for my friend T: she and her husband are meeting with Bet.hany on Friday to get info on adoption. They had an IVF miscarriage last fall and have decided not to pursue any further treatments but to move on joyfully to adoption!! She has been praying for us, that God will use the meds to create our baby blessing this cycle, and I have been praying hard that God would really speak to them through this meeting...they are longing to be parents so much, just like the rest of us!!

I'm trying to pray knowing that we serve a big God who is present in our lives each day and knowing that I will see His hand in the creation of our family. It looks like He has used cl.omid to bless Hope (praying for you, Hope!), so I'm hoping that maybe I should be encouraged at His creation! Please Lord, put new life in me, too!


Praying for Hope said...

Praying that your frined fiends the answers in her adoption meeting. An IVF miscarriage is difficult. Enjoy your lazy time while you have it. It never lasts long enough. That could be why it's so wonderful when it comes along.

Baby Hungry said...

Thank you so much for commenting on my blog and leading me to yours! I am about to start Clomid with my next cycle so it was so nice to be able to read about someone who is going through the same things. I am also glad to hear that the only Clomid symptoms you had were very mild...I have been very worried about that. I'm praying that your cramping is only the egg implanting deep into the right place! Can't wait to read how everything goes after your 2WW.